Emil Da'Lahr is an elemental Atlantian, has a death wish, and is close with Casteel Da'Neer.
Early Life[]
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire[]
Emil arrives with Alastir in New Haven. While Poppy and Kieran head to the dining room, the pair run into Emil and Alastir. After one of Poppy's witty remarks, Emil indicates that he is quite taken with her leading Kieran to warn Emil that he should not say such things in front of Cas. Emil reassures Kieran that he enjoys his head and his heart too much to repeat his statement in front of Cas.
The Crown of Gilded Bones[]
The War of Two Queens[]
A Soul of Ash and Blood[]
Emil is referred to as food by Casteel in cave cat form.
Emil is an enormous flirt, typically testing how much of a rise he can get out of Casteel by flirting with Poppy.
Physical Description[]
Emil has auburn waves and vivid gold eyes.